Backup is more than just storing documents in a device once a month. inBuilding combines the core features of content management with the accessibility of online collaboration to improve the way you share, manage and access your documents, all hosted and secured through the enterprise class leader…Microsoft Corporation.
Backups serves two primary purposes. First, it allows you to have a safe place where your files are located in case of loss, and to be able to recover them if there is loss. This has become mandatory these days with a majority of companies reporting they had lost files. Second, backups allow you to recover data from an earlier point in time in the event you want to see an older version. Either way, inBuilding can help keep your files safe.
In the past companies would use tape backup or a USB stick, but both of those have proven to have limited utility today because of lack of reliability, failure to automatically backup documents and missing a critical element, and as if often the case, just forgetting where you stored the storage device and the password. inBuilding’s backup remedies those problems.
Backups used to be expensive. Not any more! inBuilding can get you an unlimited amount of back FOR FREE, as part of its other Cloud Solutions.
Recovery and Data Residency
Backing up data is important, but so too is the ability to retrieve your data when you need it. Recovering valuable data used to be somewhat cumbersome with external hard drives which were often misplaced or had antiquated processes when you need it. Even worse, you had to physically connect the external storage device to access your data, which proved very problematic if you were out of town and needed the data now.
Plus, if you are subject to various regulations such as HIPAA, FISMA, FERPA or GLBA, then storing your data can be even more burdensome. With Fog Bank, we can store your data in a private Cloud restricted in location, helping you meet your regulatory compliance. For many companies, data is your most important asset and most companies do not know where there data resides, other than somewhere in the Cloud. We can identify and limit where your data resides.